
Monday, October 10, 2011

A Simple Meditation Technique For Beginner's

I have been meditating for the past 10 years and have experimented with different types and ideas, from visualizing to tensing my muscles to relax. I have lately come a cross a simple and effective way to get my self into a centered state. All it takes is 15 minutes a day. I’ve learned it from Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks. I highly recommend their Getting Into The Vortex CD or just looking them up on Youtube to find out what they’re all about.

The true goal of meditation is to allow your body and mind to relax, or in other words to offer less resistance. Resistance is a term used to describe the idea of not being true to your true nature. In today’s world most people walk around and live in an overall tense, stressful and on the go mind set. Spending most of the day in a busy way, is not healthy overall and is a form of resistance. The state of relaxation is hardly sought after. When we are in a relaxed state, we feel calmer, happier, more creative, healthier and overall more in-tune with our true selves. The idea of meditation is to learn how to relax, let go of resistance and be able to remain in that state while not meditating.

The first and hardest step is the key to meditation. It must, with out a doubt, be done every day, this is the hardest, but most crucial step. A habit must be formed out of it, doing it daily and preferable at the same time each day will train and tune your body into the idea of meditation or state of relaxation. Forming the habit over time will make the process of centering your self easier and easier. In time the idea is that with daily practice you will be able to remain centered/relaxed and offer less resistance in any chaotic environment with out having to meditate first.

Secondly, your spine must be held straight, the body is like an antenna, the straighter the spine the better signal you’ll get. Although, the signal you’re trying to receive is from with in. Another result from holding your spine straight allows for deeper breathes to take place, which assists in the relaxation process, the deeper the breath the deeper you can meditate.  Your legs can be held in any comfortable position, so long as you can sit still for about 15 minutes. Your hands also can be kept in any comfortable position, either in a Mudra position as you would see on any Buddhist statues or religious icons or just resting your hands on your lap. The key is comfort below and stability above.

Thirdly, loosely focus on your breathing, by loosely I mean do not pressure yourself to focus on your breathing. If your mind drifts away let it and once you have recognized that your thoughts drifted just place your attention back to your breath.
Breathing is an action that our body’s do on a subconscious level, but yet we can have control over it at the same time. To pay attention to the breath is to pay attention to our subconscious. The more we do this the more we begin to understand our deeper selves along with the outside world.

The fourth step you must remember that there is no true goal to be sought through mediation, but only to relax and through repeated relaxation sessions you’ll be able to remain more relaxed in a typical active state. Do not make relaxing your goal, otherwise it will become very difficult, instead just sit straight, comfortably and loosely focus on your breathing.

Doing this for 15 minutes a day is more then adequate. In Chinese medicine it takes 15 minutes for all the energies of the body to go one full lap around. So 15 minutes is all it takes to get your body used to a new idea and behavior. Consider it a reboot for your body and mind.

I hope this weeks article has been helpful and informative, if you have any questions or comments please let me know. Thank you and have a great week.

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