Neck pain can be very debilitating, besides being painful and uncomfortable it can restrict range of motion, cause headaches, reduce quality of sleep and even cause numbness down the arms into the hands. Depending on the severity of the issue, which includes the quality of pain(sharp or a dull ache) and how long its been around, acupuncture can be very effective.
Combining the healing art of Acupuncture, the power of positive thinking + other tips,tricks and ideas.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Acupuncture For Neck Pain
Neck pain can be very debilitating, besides being painful and uncomfortable it can restrict range of motion, cause headaches, reduce quality of sleep and even cause numbness down the arms into the hands. Depending on the severity of the issue, which includes the quality of pain(sharp or a dull ache) and how long its been around, acupuncture can be very effective.
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